It’s time to touch base with all of you very special and patient folk and provide an update as to where we are in the DA (Development Approval) application process with the Tweed Council.
The Hoppers team are itching to get out there and start building but, as with every new development, there are several regulatory boxes to tick and flick prior to breaking ground. I’m happy to report that we are well advanced and whilst there are still a few more processes to complete we are learning with every step and are inching closer to the goal of having our DA submission approved.

I read a great quote once and whilst I can’t remember the author it has always stuck with me:
Patience is power.
Details matter.
It’s worth waiting to get it right.

What we have been humbled by is the support, love and positive energy that you have provided along the way so we wanted to present you with, in this space, a few artist interpretations of what we are trying to do. And whilst the designs aren’t council approved it should give you some understanding and a teaser of what our final goal looks like.
So a big thank you for all your support. It means a lot and doesn’t go unnoticed. Please stick with us as we hope some time soon we will have a place designed to appeal to everyone, young and old. A place where everyone feels comfortable. A place where things change but only for the better. A place where everything is just right.