Lately I’ve been thinking about my patience and more so, my lack of it at times. I can become impatient because I worry that we (being the Hoppers team) are wasting valuable time stuck in a particular situation. For example, think about waiting in a long line at airport customs. While waiting, you may think about all you could be doing in that particular moment if only you weren’t stuck in that line. Grabbing bags, hailing a taxi, heading to the hotel, sleeping, or finding the local to drink a cold frothy. It often frustrates the heck out of me and judging by the mood of others – them as well.
We all experience minor hold-ups in life. Many are brought about by events or conditions we have no control over, and this can be the most frustrating part of it. Therefore, it’s always good to mentally plan for delays so you’re not caught completely flat-footed when they happen. The enlightened ones would even say there’s a reason for it. You may not know it at the time, but it usually becomes obvious in the end.
Whether trying to be patient or planning an aspect of our project, here at Hoppers HQ we try to see setbacks not as a personal defeat. Instead, we think about the positives we can take from it. Setbacks or hold-ups can help one gain valuable experience and insight, which helps to develop the business to emerge stronger.
For example, receiving adverse feedback on our project here and there has often given us the opportunity to review and improve on our concept. In the end, we expect to do a much better job of it than we initially intended.
Additionally, we try to keep in mind what we have already accomplished along the way. We keep reminding ourselves that there’s a lot to be proud of. Then the hold ups might not seem so all too dramatic anymore – and it becomes easier to be patient.
We have been a long time in council application for development approval, but I am happy to say that it looks to be reaching a conclusion. Our application is being put to council on the 7th July and up to now we haven’t received any detrimental feedback that concerns us. Development approval is a major milestone for the Hoppers and triggers the next phase of our journey – construction! We can hardly wait to get this project kicked up a gear so any positive vibes on the 7th will be warmly received.
In the meantime we remain patient and positive.