Milestone Madness

The Hoppers

Wow! Let me take a deep breath and say it backwards – Wow! Things are really starting to happen around here as we tick milestone after milestone. They’re just small things but I remember reading a quote many years ago that has always stuck with me:

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realise that they were big things” Anon

As most of you would know it all kicked into gear when we recently had our DA (Development Application) approved by the Tweed Shire Council. Twice we had to go to council to lobby against the planning departments’ recommendation to refuse our application, and twice we managed to persuade the councilors to vote against their planning department in favour of our application. Seven councilor votes for us, nil against. Councils voting against their planning department is by no means uncommon, but the work that goes into such turnaround decisions is immense.

Packaging Seven Nil

Recently the ‘Hoppers’ brewed their first home grown recipe in a commercial brewery. Known as “gypsy brewing” the process of brewing under another’s license in an already existing brewing is a great way for new brewers to cut their teeth on “big rigs” whilst their own are being planned/constructed. It’s often a good source of income for the host brewery as well as the benefits of collaboration or as some would call it, cross pollination.

The result was that we brewed a lovely quaffable lager which we aptly called “Seven Nil” in a tribute to the tenacity that it took to get to that very point. I’m also happy to report that Seven Nil tastes great for a first brew. One which will only get better with refinement. One which became the very first core beer in the Hopper’s range.

Lucky # 13

Then to top things off last night we received the communication that our trademark application for our much-loved logo – the ‘Budman’ – was approved. A little thing you might think, but to us its big, as the’ Budman’ is at the forefront of our brand. Another step in the right direction.

So, things are ticking along nicely for the Hoppers. We are currently waiting patiently for our architect, Brad Cole, to complete a full set of drawings that can go to builders for tender. Going into such intricacies for a DA is not required as many consultants, such as hydraulic and structural engineers, need to be involved and it’s just too cost prohibitive to involve them prior in case council requires changes. We hope to have these ready mid-November and out to builders shortly after. All going well, the New Year should see us break ground!

Exciting…. Plus, another round of gypsy brewing. And more, like music and playlists…And we bought a mobile cool room. But I’ll let you know all about that next month.

Bye for now.

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